Say “Yes” Fund
The Say “Yes” Fund will offset or cover the cost of obstacles to saying “Yes” to a foster child. Repairing a lift for an ADA-compliant vehicle, replacing a faulty water heater, purchasing mattresses for a new resource parent, or providing a pool/hot tub cover are all examples of how to utilize this new program.

Current and approval-pending Marin Resource Families are eligible to apply.
Award Criteria:
Requests are considered in the order received by MFCA’s Say “Yes” Committee. Funding is limited and is insufficient to support all requests. Therefore, the obstacle being overcome in order to accept a placement will be confirmed with the licensing or partner agency (CFS, TLC, CASA, etc). MFCA reserves the right to explore other procurement options.
Application and Award Procedure:
Always ask the licensing or partner agency if they can assist with the cost. This will extend our funds and allow us to approve more requests.
Submit proof of cost with the application. An estimate, receipt, invoice, etc will all suffice.
Complete all fields of form, especially age of child and zip code.
The Say “Yes” Fund was made possible through a generous donation by Michael Caldwell.