Forms for Resource Families
Respite Forms
CFS currently has funding to help pay for respite care. It’s a “use it or lose it” type of situation. The funding is only available to resource families licensed through the county, not FFAs.
The respite provider needs to fill out a W9 with the county and have a vendor number (if you have ever helped with OCED you probably already have one). The respite funding is taxable (hence why the vendor number / application / W9 are needed) for the respite provider. The resource family and respite provider should have a conversation before turning in the invoice because the hours used count towards the total available for the resource parent for the entire time frame of the contract. Each resource family has 56 hours to use and you can get up to 4 hours (or $64) a day covered.
The first attached flyer HERE has simple instructions, as well as a breakdown of how many hours can be used.
The second attachment HERE is the invoice, which should be filled out by the respite provider themselves.
If you have questions about getting a vendor number or filling out the W9, please email Tammy.Allen@marincounty.gov.
This form is to be completed for EVERY medical or dental visit.
When it has been completed, please give it to the social worker/probation officer or return it by mail or fax.
The Caregiver Information Form, also called form JV-290, is intended to provide an easily accessible way for caregivers to provide information about the child to the court.
Rodrigo Dias, one of MFCA's Board Members and a Certified Family Law Specialist, has offered to assist with the filing of your completed JV-290. Email the completed form to Alicia Santos at asantos@tdfamilylaw.com. Please be sure that the case number is on the form. If you are having trouble scanning and sending the form in PDF format, they can scan it for you if you mail or drop it off at their law office. Please note: scanned PDFs are ideal, as opposed to taking a photo of the PDF. They will also take care of the e-filing fee.